Jan 29, 2011

Coca Cola Red Cap 285ml Malaysia

Red Cap Red Acl Coca Cola 285ml
 Untuk Minuman Sahaja
 Walaupun dah berkarat cap nya...aku tetap suka..
Sebab ia adalah antara generasi Coke Malaysia kita...
Tak pasti yang ke berapa...ke 17 kot...?



  1. memang syok botol cola ni Pak Haji!

  2. esok lagi syok hi tea...saya tak dapat join sebab ada kenduri..kirim salam kat member blogger kita k

  3. Hi Pak Haji,
    Are there hobbyists specializing in bottle caps collecting?
    Started during the school days but somehow stopped after that.
    Looking back, it was quite an interesting hobby especially when there weren't canned drinks yet.
    But nowadays, cans and disposable bottles seem to have overtaken the glass bottles.
    Thank you :)
