Jan 9, 2011

Display rack Coca Cola 1 Liter : Saat-saat istimewa ala COKE

Asyik posting pasal gelas and cawan plastik je baru baru ni kan
Tapi kali ni aku posting display rack Cole 1 liter yang diperbuat dari besi..berat tu..
Bahgian atas: Bawa Pulang 1 liter Pek Kongsi Baru Coca Cola

Bahgian bawah: Saat-saat istimewa ala Coke

Pandangan secara keseluruhan...cutting body nya dahsyat..melintuk liuk...:)
Nasib baik tak macam cutting jam pasir...ala ala sexy gak ni...haha..

Pandangan sisi: slim jer rak ni sebab tu aku suka...tak makan space..

Dari belakang: fuhh...besar tu...gambar botol 1 liter

Bolelah aku buat tempat display bebrapa botol yang tak seberapa...
Ada dari Malaysia...ada dari negara jiran...ada dari mana manalah..

Macam ni la collector baru macam aku...masih baru nak mula..
Masih banyak ruang kosong untuk Coke 1 liter ni...baru ada 2 bijik je..
Kalau betul betul boleh susun sehingga 36 biji botol 1 liter!!!
Ni nak kena cari lagi 34 bijik la ni...fuhhh bila nak penuh????



  1. Hi Pak Haji,
    How long can these carbonated drinks be kept with their original contents undisturbed?
    Should they ke kept as original as possible?
    Does emptying the contents affect their values as collectibles?

  2. Pak haji, sangat menarik! Syabas!

  3. whycollect: you can keep it as long as you can but you need to keep it i a cool dry place away from sunlight and heat...usually we will empty the can but bottles we keep it as is...

    iarrylr: thx...

  4. Saw a few cans of Coca-Cola kept by a friend with the contents leaking out.
    You're right.
    Probably due to the heat.
    Thanks alot for the useful info, Pak Haji.
